Salesforce Deployment Using ANT Migration Tool – Part 3

Please follow the steps below to setup ant in your machine

  1. Download ANT from
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file somewhere like C:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin\apache-ant-1.9.4
  3. Set this path in system variables as ANT_HOME.
  4. If PATH system variable already exists then add %ANT_HOME% to your path variable, else add new PATH variable and keep this value.
  5. Also create a JAVA_HOME environment variable and set the value to the location of your JDK.
  6. Go to command prompt and type ant -v. If it shows that ‘Apache Ant Version compiled’ then that means we are good to go.
  7. Till here you have downloaded and configured the required steps for ANT. Now you have to download the migration tool from your salesforce org ( it can be any org ). Go to Your Name > Setup > Develop > Tools.
  8. Click the “ Migration Tool” link to download a zip file. Inside this zip file you can find the ant-salesforce.jar file and some sample configuration files.
  9. Copy the jar file mentioned above and paste it into the lib folder of your ant installation direcotry ‘C:\apache-ant-1.9.4-bin\apache-ant-1.9.4\lib‘.
  10. Now, you are ready to use ANT with migration tool. You can now deploy or retrieve your Metadata using ANT and command prompt.

Retrieve Code

Deploy Code

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