March 2021 archive

Salesforce admin interview questions and answers

What is Salesforce? Salesforce is the most popular customer relationship management (CRM) platform available today. It provides cloud-based CRM applications designed for use in sales, service, marketing, and much more. Businesses use Salesforce to manage business relationships and their associated data. What is CRM? CRM is an acronym for Customer Relationship Management, and it describes …

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Lightning datatable with dynamic row action

Lightning data tables are very very common for aura components. We will see how see can we have different row action name and different behaviour for data table Here is the query  List<Resource__c> resourceList = [Select Id,Name,Week__c,Type__c,RecordType.Name,Resource_URL__c,Description__c,Curriculum__c from Resource__c where Curriculum__c IN :curriculumSet  ORDER BY Week__c ASC];  I will only include the relevant section in the aura component for better clarity Component Controller js Helper js As you can …

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