Declarative Lookup Rollups Summaries – Part 1

We all must have seen rollup summary fields in Master-Detail objects. We can not have Master-Detail relationship at all places but there is often a need to calculate rollup where 2 objects are related by a lookup field. Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries, or DLRS, are perfect for creating rollup fields for objects that are not related through lookup relationships. DLRS allow for calculations between any parent and child objects and they have a variety of calculations such as rolling up the most recent or least recent records, giving total counts, giving the sum of a child record’s numeric fields, or even concatenating child field values onto the parent record. You can also add criteria to further filter which records should be evaluated in the rollup.

To get started, first make sure you have the DLRS package installed in your org. You can install it by clicking here.

Once the installation is done, you can create your rollups.

We will go over the different configuration in the next blog.

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