In case of large file upload, more than 2 GB of file size, Salesforce is not able to offer file or attachment capability. The other option is to upload it on AWS S3 Bucket.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a web-based cloud storage service aimed towards online upload of data on Amazon Web Services. This post will not talk about how to create S3 bucket, I will cover that as another post
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" controller="AccountRemoter"> <script src="" /> <script src="" /> <apex:slds /> <div class="slds-grid slds-grid_align-center slds-m-vertical_x-large"> <div class="slds-box"> <div class="slds-m-bottom_medium"> S3 upload up to 5TB </div> <input type="file" id="file-chooser" /> <button class="slds-button slds-button_brand" type="button" onclick="uploadJS();">Upload</button> <div>Percent Complete:</div> <div id="percentComplete"></div> </div> </div> <script> function uploadJS() { var file = $('#file-chooser')[0].files[0]; //dont do this, get access from cognito AWS.config = new AWS.Config({credentials: new AWS.Credentials({accessKeyId: 'ACCESSKEY HERE', secretAccessKey: 'SECRET KEY HERE'}), region: 'us-east-2'}); var s3 = new AWS.S3(); const params = {Bucket: 'aws-bucket-name', Key: 'FOLDERNAME/' +, ContentType: file.type, Body: file}; s3.upload(params, function (err, data) { console.log('done'); }).on('httpUploadProgress', function (progress) { $('#percentComplete').text((((progress.loaded/ *100).toFixed(2))+'%'); console.log(progress.loaded + " of " + + " bytes"); }); var; // Here we can update the name of the file on record field // start remoting work Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( '{!$RemoteAction.AccountRemoter.updateFileName}', filename, function(result, event){ if (event.status) { // Get DOM IDs for HTML and Visualforce elements like this console.log('in here '+result.Id); } else if (event.type === 'exception') { document.getElementById("responseErrors").innerHTML = event.message + "<br/>\n<pre>" + event.where + "</pre>"; } else { document.getElementById("responseErrors").innerHTML = event.message; } }, {escape: true} ); // end remoting work } </script> <div id="responseErrors"></div> </apex:page>
Why have you not posted the whole code. What about the controller ‘AccountRemoter’ ? Can you provide that .
Are you having issue with the code? Do let me know
The VFPage works perfectly fine. Can you provide multiple file upload .